Holzwickede community

Website of the municipality Holzwickede


Citizens bureau of the municipality Holzwickede

Adresse: Allee 5, Holzwickede


Social office of the municipality Holzwickede

Adresse: Poststr. 4, Holzwickede


Public authority of the municipality Holzwickede for aliens

Uli Bangert, Sprechstunde: Thursdays: 16.00 – 17.30 Uhr, Poststr. 4, Holzwickede


Schools in the municipality Holzwickede


Local Banks

Sparkasse Unna/Kamen, Zweigstelle Holzwickede

Address: Hauptstr. 23, Holzwickede


Public authority of the municipality Unna for aliens

Address: Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 17, Unna


Availability job center Unna/Kamen



Address: Ostring 19, Kamen